Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Z Big 5-0

This is my 50th post on my blog and I decided to mark this occasion by explaining all the little extra's that are on my little ole site.

The first one is my biggest feature which is the CBC Headline roll. This roll gives my readers the current news events as posted by the CBC on their site. I love this thing. This headline roll is worth all the money we spend on the CBC, and we should put more money into keeping Peter Mansbridge looking so damn good.

The next one is right above it. The AltaVista Babel Fish. This little gem allows anyone to change the language of my site to suit their needs. The only thing you have to do is click on the flag and the page will be automatically translated to the requested language.

Now, below the Headline roll is the FeedBlitz e-mail subscriber. This link allows you to subscribe to my site and receive daily e-mails showing my posts. It really helps the lazy people who don't want to actually click on my site, but still want the articles. It also lets you know if there is a new post so you can visit my site and read my posts and respond.

Below the FeedBlitz is ApolloFind Search Bar. He lets you search out any words you want on my blog and view all relevant data about it. So, if you want to see how much profanity I use, then just type in your favorite swear word and presto, you can see all my vulgarity.

Of course below that is the great, all powerful Liblogs. This is a site that shows lots of Liberal bloggers and their posts. It usually refreshes every 2 hours, and might happen faster when it becomes a non-profit corporation.

At the very bottom of my page is my counter. This is very self explanatory so I am not even going to bother aside from the previous statement.

Below that is my Site Meter. He shows the location of who visits my site. It's great to see how many people from the Government of Canada visit your site so you can be prepared for the worst.

Back to the top, you will see my Google AdSense advertiser. This thing attempts to generate money for me so I like it. I also ask that whenever you come to my site, to click on those links to give me that fraction of a penny that I so desperately need. All the money from AdSense will be going to my electoral campaign so every click counts.

Now the right side of my blog is pretty standard. My profile is at the top, followed by my selection of links and a listing of my previous posts. There are a couple of links I would like to talk about. The first one is my Search By Name link. This link allows you to search my blog for any post that I have done by its title. This took a lot of time and I hope you all appreciate it. Below it is my anime website. It is my personal drawings that I have done. I haven't updated it for a while but if you haven't been there, it will be new to you. Northern Vidiots is mine and Dave's review site. We mainly focus on games but we throw in the occasional movie/music album in there. If you are from the Knife, and you want to help out, let one of us know and we will add you to the list. Dave's blog is next. He is a very good friend of mine who I've known and trusted for years. He will be my first appointed senator when I become Prime Minister. His blog kicks ass and I urge everyone to visit his site. My mp3 review that I gave a while ago is on the bottom. This is my review on the various mp3 players on the market as I have played with them all and I have a very good knowledge of them. If you are considering buying an mp3 player, read this first as it will give you some insight in the mp3 world.

Directly below the previous posts section is Blogshares. Blogshares is a site that puts your blog on a fictitious stock market and you can buy and sell shares. It is rather cool and I ask everyone to vote for my blog so I can get it traded on the exchange.

Below that is my Google Search Bar. This is pretty self explanatory as it is a Google search engine. Below that is more advertising. What can I say, I am a greedy sell-out.

The final thing is the Progressive Bloggers Blog Roll. I am mentioning this last as they still haven't approved me for the site which makes me sad. I hope they will approve me soon so I can get more traffic and hopefully more money.


Anonymous said...

More money for the CBC why don't you and the rest of the regressive bloggers put your own tax money towards that socialist mouthpiece that no one watches it wasted enough of mine already.

Unknown said...

My tax money does go to the CBC and I am proud of it. All of your money goes to killing things and Jesus...or whatever the hell you like. The annual tax income that each person gives to the CBC is so small that it is barely noticeable.

My god, I posted this as information on my site. It pisses me off that Con bloggers constantly troll Liberal blogs just to find a word in their blog that you don't like and then flame the site because you are too mentally inept to conduct a valid conversation.

Dave said...

Shorter anon: I don't like the CBC therefore nobody watches it!


Dave said...

Damn it, you beat me to the punch. Curse my constant editing of my own words!!!

Unknown said...

Hell, the more people insulting stupid people the better. God I hate anon bloggers, they don't have the balls to give their real names.

audacious said...

i have been looking for a better search engine ...
i'll have to look into the cbc script ...

thanks again,