Saturday, March 04, 2006

Questions for the LPC

WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING SO LONG TO ELECT A NEW LEADER!!!!! I mean what the hell are you guys thinking!!!! The Con's government will most likely fall this year and now you are going to hold the elections for the leadership of the party in 2007??? I love the Grits and all but this is just plain retarded.

The Liberals are starting to test the leadership waters today in Nova Scotia at the annual NS Liberal meeting. I have no issue with them testing the waters, as you get a bit of an understanding on what your chances are but why the hell is the LPC waiting to elect the new leader. With the LPC divided right now, there is no stability and the people won't rally behind us. With all the crap that The Harp has done to this point, an election will be inevitable and the LPC will be calling a leadership election in November or February 2007?? The Grits really need to get their heads back into the game and start the leadership ball rolling already. Not only get the leadership ball started, but leave the leadership candidacy open for anyone to run without a large admin fee. The Liberals need a new blood and new life and we need someone who will rally the people together. I still nominate myself, but as I stated earlier, the whole money issue just makes it too bloody unlikely that I will be able to do it for at least 10 years.


Anonymous said...

i agree to a point, hear here.
on the other hand, i enjoy milan's boldness. we have to get on with it ... to much wishie washie makes us all look a bit incompetent. ya fall, ya pick yourself up quickly and get on with it ... !

Unknown said...

The Gomrey commission is done, it has been done since February 1, 2006. I personally do not want to have another election but I will take one over Conservative rule any day of the week.

If the Cons were really close to centre then I wouldn't have this problem and I would wait for a while before asking about a new leader. My problem is that The Harp is so far right, he sees China. At least you know where China stands. Gotta respect that. My point is that I don't want to loose anything in terms of social spending, human rights, or political traditions and would rather take an election than let The Harp mess up our country.

Unknown said...

The problem with dragging it out is that nobody will support a party without a leader. That is why the Liberals are so behind in the polls....well that and polls aren't accurate. As I stated earlier, there is most likely going to be another election this year and if the Liberals get caught without a leader, then it would be disastrous for the party. We need a good leader and we need a good leader now so the Liberals can ride the clusterfuck of scandals that the Cons have done and will be doing over the next little while.

Dave said...

November works for me personally, if we can get an experienced person in the job. There will be a national election once the new leader is elected, and no one is going to rock the boat until then, which unfortunatly means the Tories can get away with alot for the time being. Of course, an election hinges on whether Harper's collegues Layton and Ducceppe vote against him.