I was watching this new fangled magic picture box called a TV today and this thing called a "commercial" came on. This one was a very odd one and made me very angry but I couldn't place where my anger should be focused on. The commercial in question is the new Wendy's commercial where a guy goes up to the counter, wants to order a hamburger but he is unable to because it is fishburger day. They get into an argument, and I die a little inside.
First of all, HOW FUCKING DUMB ARE YOU THAT YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE CONCEPT OF A DAILY SPECIAL!!!! I mean really, the current day dictates what is on sale. If it is day "x" then you get product "x" cheaper. If you don't want that special, ORDER SOMETHING ELSE!!! You have to pay more, but that is the concept of a sale. If it was supposed to be that price every day, THEN IT'S NOT A FUCKING SALE!!! I personally want everyone who reads this blog, and lives in a city that has a Wendy's, to go there, order a 3/4lb bacon double cheeseburger, and demand that they sell it to you for 99 cents because their commercial said so.
I wish there was a Wendy's up here...for some reason the only fast food joints that thrive are the ones who don't mind selling rotten meat.
You back at the source?
Just helping old manager with inventory, still gainfully unemployed
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