Sunday, January 15, 2006

1+1=Fuck over Canada

I got bored earlier today and decided to look at the Conservative website and in particular their budget. Now, I do not yet have a Political Sciences/Economics degree but judging by the numbers on their website, they are going to cut over $22 billion in order to pay for their rich mans tax cuts. The one thing that they do not say is where they are going to cut in order to pay for their rich mans payments.

Table 3: Costing of Stand up for Canada

2006-07 to 2010-11

Five-Year Cumulative Cost ($ million)

Base case five year surplus $83,400
Tax Relief -44,905
Spending Plans -30,063
Debt Repayment -15,000
Reallocations 6,800
Moderating Spending on grants and
contributions and in government departments
and agencies 22,500

Unallocated Surplus $22,732

(Source:Conservative party 2006 election platform)

Now I am a Liberal and proud of it. I was also a card-carrying member of the Reform/Canadian Alliance party but got scared off by the extreme right-wing nut-jobbery that they were spewing out. So what I have read and saw is that the Conservative party does not know how to balance their budget and threw in a random $22 billion in government expenditure cuts in order to pay for this crap. Wow, they suck quite badly

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