Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Money Talks!

Today boys and girls, and furbys that are just beginning to learn, we are going to talk about the Conservative budget. Now, before you fall asleep, I am going to make it fun and exciting....Seriously....well no, I will just make it kinda cutesy. Part one of this section will be GST cuts.

The plan
A Conservative government will:
• Reduce the GST by one point right away, to six percent. And we will reduce the GST by another point, to five percent, over five years. The GST affects everyone – families, seniors, and young people just getting started in life. Cutting the GST will help everyone deal with the rising cost of living, put money in people’s pockets, and spur the economy immediately.
• Maintain the GST/HST credit in the federal personal income tax.

• Eliminate the capital gains tax for individuals on the sale of assets when the proceeds are reinvested
within six months. Canadians who invest, or inherit cottages or family heirlooms, should be able to sell those assets and plough their profits back into the economy without taking a tax hit. It is time government rewarded Canadians who reinvest their money and create jobs.
(Source: The Conservative 2006 election platform)

First of all, the Conservatives put it under Opportunity in their book, not Families which should be a first indication of the fact that this won't help them. Now to the cutesy;

Little Bunny Jim Bob is an honest working bunny who can barely make ends meet. Most of his money goes to buying carrots at his local Try-and-Save but every so often he can scrape up enough money to buy shiny things from The Source by Circuit City, like an iPod. Now the iPod costs 300 Magic Fairy Fun Discs but the Elder Bunnies make him pay 7% more so they can pay for things like health care and Debt that the previous Elder Bunnies inflated. Then, the previous Elders introduced it mop up some of the hemorrhaging that was done from their over-spending. Anyways, a new elder who thinks that Magic Fairy World is only 3000 years old and Mr. Sun revolves around Magic Fairy World even though all the smart bunnies have already disproved that theory wants to cut that 7% down to 6% and then in 5 years, cut it down to 5%. Now Little Bunny Jim Bob doesn't have to pay that 7% on his carrots that he needs but does have to pay it on his iPod. Now, if the new elder gets his way, it will take him longer to earn that iPod, but when he eventually is able to get it, after he cuts back on the carrots he needs to keep his coat shiny and to keep his vision super great, he will only have to pay 18 extra Magic Fairy Fun Discs right now but since he will be having to wait longer, he will only have to pay 15 extra Magic Fairy Fun Discs. Now, the current Elder Bunnies want to give him more Fun Discs by not taking as much of them right away so he would have more Fun Discs and would be able to afford both his carrots and his iPod sooner, and would also be able to get a sweet case so the back of it won't be scratched.

There, I managed to explain the differences between Liberal and Conservative tax cuts that are supposed to help the lower class people with bunnies. I have now become the first person to explain the difference between regressive and progressive tax cuts by using cute little bunnies and shamelessly plug multiple companies in the process.


Dave said...

LMAO. Damn man...I think there are too many twists and turns for a tory to understand this one.

Anonymous said...

You da man


Raging Ranter said...

You're clever use of furry animals will be very helpful to lefties who don't understand economics 101. You should supplement your explanation with a puppet show to hold their attention.

Personally I favour income tax cuts over consumption tax cuts, and by a large margin. However, I find it amusing that the lefties claim this tax cut will only help "the rich". If Harper said he was going to raise the GST to 8%, you'd be screaming about how that would hurt "the poor" because they spend all their income. The rich, however, save much of theirs, and thus do not pay GST on that amount. In fact, those are the exact arguments the Libs and Dippers made against the GST when it was first implemented.

Unknown said...

It is the fact that both sides are very uninformed about the GST. Most people think it is very cut and dry that the GST only affects the rich, but it does affect the poor, only it affects them very little. A GST tax cut is designed to help the rich but if you put the right spin on it, you can make the uninformed believe that it would help the poor a lot more and the cut is for them. That’s the problem with the Cons as a whole. They make luxury tax cuts and say that they are for the poor. Even the child care proposal is designed for the rich. They don't put their kids into daycare, they pay their nanny or have already shipped them off to boarding school. The $1200 isn't enough to pay for daycare only to slightly offset the cost. I just want to get one of the Cons in their budget think tank to explain to me, and convince me, how their budget is supposed to help the poor.