Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mini Rant Time

I haven't posted in a while so I am going to do a mini rant of current events to catch me back up.

1. Closed, the new open!!!- Political watchdog groups are getting rather pissed off at the Cons version of an open government. Their idea of an open government is to not give out any info or if they have to. Here is an excerpt:
"Mike Wallace, a Conservative MP who's on the all-party ethics committee, has called on the justice minister to table a new bill by December. He said he has yet to hear back from the justice minister.
To which the justice minister replied "Information regarding a new bill to overhaul the access to information act will take 60,000 man-hours to find and would cost Mr. Wallace 4.3 trillion dollars.

2. Pound O'Dope- Dick Pound, Chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency is now saying that Canada is filled with Doped up athletes. He is saying that we are harbouring Athletes from around the world that are using performance-enhancing drugs. Now, as far as I know, the only person that has moved to Canada for work because he was banned from playing in the US for Drug-Use is Ricky Williams. I know Canada has a smaller population than the US, but one person still doesn't classify Canada as a Drug Refuge.

3. Nobody Cares What You Think!!!- Now we all know that climate change is real and the Cons won't do anything about it...but what the hell is Jack Layton thinking threatening a non-confidence vote right now. Everyone in the world knows that the Liberals are in the middle of a leadership election and will vote down any non-confidence motions. Also, it hasn't even been one year since the last election and whoever tables a non-confidence vote will get punished at the polls because they made everyone get out and vote so early. Layton is purely grandstanding and should be completely ignored for the rest of his natural life!

4. Screw You Injins!!!- This is the Cons official response to the stalemate in Caledonia. Jim Prentice has cancelled the scheduled meeting between the feds, the province and the First Nations group claming the land in Caledonia. Since land claims are a federal issue, the federal government should be fronting the bill to settle the claim and should be doing the negotiations. Since the stalemate began in February, the feds have done nothing at all. The only people that have been doing anything is the provincial government, and the province is trying to get the feds to pay up for all the resources it has put into settling it. So the Cons responded with the standard, screw you guys, I'm going home response that they love to do.

I was going to post more, but I am tired and I want to go to bed.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Layton SHOULD be ignored for the rest of his life. The guy has absolutly no desire to govern, he just wants to get paid to bitch and moan. I would like to remind the Canadian taxpayers that I bitch and moan for free. Thank you, I'm here all week, try the veal.

Dick Pound is still pissed the IOC rejected him for leadership.

And yes, Conservatives are hypocrits and jerks.