A lot of things go together very well like white & rice, gaming & Sony, prostitutes & herpes, and for endless bickering, religion and free speech. This is a finer line than happy endings at massage parlors. This is the reason we created such a thing as tolerance. (Sorry, trying to change the advertising on the top of my page) What this does is allow for free speech but puts up that barrier to stop people from crossing that line. The reason I started this was because of the breaking news story from several days ago about some cartoons that were published several months ago. Now, it is true that depicting the Prophet Mohammed is blasphemy in the Islamic religion, but then again so is committing violence, so their view is not absolute as their beliefs are also not absolute. Does this mean that I am taking the side of free speech....No, I am not really taking sides in this one because this is not a "support the war or you don't support the troops" kind of argument. This one is a huge grey area situation where the line is so fine that it is impossible to be seen. Free speech is an absolute but when that was created, the founders of the idea had the common sense to think that people would use common sense when exercising that right. How wrong they were. People will do anything to be famous and famous people will do crazier things to become even more famous...like Tom Cruise. Having your own opinion is fine, having a healthy discussion or debate about said opinion is fine, doing something that you know will stir up outrage and mass protests to a people who aren't happy with you already...Darwinian.
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