Top 5 Sci Fi Shows:
5.Battlestar Galactica(new series)-good right now, but it may head down the religious path and be a slightly grittier version of Mormons in space.
4.Babylon 5-Only went 5 seasons, but the last one was quite awful, can still barely get through watching it. Spin off sucked harder.
3.Red Dwarf-With out a doubt the funniest Sci-Fi comedy ever and one of the funniest T.V. shows ever. Season 8 was kind of a let down but got cancelled too early to figure out where they were going with it. Movie may bring it up higher if it ever comes out.
2.Star Trek TNG-Same reason as you. 5 great seasons, would be higher if the first 2 seasons didn't suck as much. Didn't mind the movies as much as they did kill off Kirk and Data. Killing off 2 iconic characters moved them up.
1.Stargate(Entire collection)-Movie was okay, Series rocks, spin off isn't horrible. The reason they are number one is the fact that they had FREAKIN' MACGUYVER, and they wanted to name their space ship Enterprise.
Bottom 5:
5.Roswell-How this show made it to 5 seasons is beyond me. To date I haven't been able to make it through an entire episode.
4.Battlestar Galactica-Would be higher up but several of the original members are making guest spots on the new series so it lessened their suck appeal
3.Firefly-Gay space cowboy's eating pudding...woot. There was a reason this show got the axe.
2.Star Wars-Higher up on my list because I am including the god awful made for TV Star Wars movies as well. Damn stupid Ewoks holding walkie-talkies.
1.Star Trek Voyager-The series that proves bringing in somebody hot won't make your series good. That is why Dark Angel isn't on my top 5 best list, and Jeri Ryan's enormous rack couldn't save this show. If only they killed off Janeway.
Honorable mentions, in no particular order:
5.Earth:Final Conflict-One of the best shows nobody watched. I wish this show eventually gets the credit it deserves
4.Andromeda-Also a good show, not great but good. Season 5 confused the hell out of me but that’s because I have yet been able to watch the season opener or the second last episode.
3.Dr Who-Good show for being old and British. Haven't seen the new series yet, if good then maybe it could go top 5.
2.Star Trek-Good overacted show. watch...the...bad acting.
1.Farscape-Great show, good acting, movie was great, too bad nobody watched it and it only lasted 5 seasons.
1 comment:
Space 1999! Woot!
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