Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Lil' Update
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
We Want Your Vote......Just Not You!!!
Ok, seeing this little post on CBC made me chuckle a little. Not allowing anybody to run against you is a very good way to make sure that you win an election. The Cons are being sued by not one, not two, but 3 different people because they were not allowed to enter their respective races for their ridings. Well, to be more clear...two were for that reason, and the third was promised money to not run so whistleblower guy could run...and he still never received the money. This is the party that's supposed to bring honesty and integrity to politics, yet they impede the democratic process by eliminating all competition so their candidates that they hand pick can win. Now, handpicking politicians to run in ridings isn't new, it has been done for years, but blocking other members so they cannot even run by slamming the doors in their faces or simply putting their fingers in their ears and screaming LALALALALALALA until they leave is just plain wrong. I said it when I first started my blog and I will say it again. The Liberals lost their way, but if you want to see corrupt people, elect a Conservative and watch your freedoms fly away like a DC10 with rockets heading for the
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Sheriff John Brown Hits The Road
First off, bonus points for whoever gets the reference in the title. Secondly, what the hell are they thinking? I am all for creating an Alberta Provincial Police Force to man the highways and rural areas of
Random Rants
It's a slow news day, so I am just going to briefly address a few stories that came out over the last few days.
1. Chinese head tax paperwork creates confusion- Seriously, did anyone expect anything different than this. If you are going to get money from the government, they will make it as difficult as possible. It doesn't matter what government is in power, it will always be near impossible to get money from them. Don't believe me, do your taxes and call me when you get out of the psych ward.
2. Pull troops from Afghanistan by February: Layton- Ok, his heart is in the right place but I am putting out an APB on his mind.
3. Alberta same-sex bill blocked by opposition- Now I am still trying to figure out how somebody can try to fight a freedom of choice/speech issue by using the freedom of choice/speech tactic. Since I have the freedom to say what I want and the freedom to choose to marry a person of the opposite sex, then it should be a law that everyone must agree with me. Come on people. If you work for the government, your bigotry stays at home. You deal with the fucking public, you have to deal with the entire fucking public. This bill was to allow justices to refuse to marry same-sex couples based on religious beliefs, to slander and defamate the gay and lesbian community, and to remove any mention of the fact that gays and lesbians exist in schools. This is getting fucking ridiculous and it must be stopped. I urge every Albertans that reads my blog to write their MLA and force them to remove such bigotry from the Albertans Legislature.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Oopsie Doodle
First, the bad news, I formatted my computer and I forgot to back up all my data so I lost my recording of the Dion interview. So, unfortunately I will not be able to finish my interview that I did with him several months ago.
Now for the good news, my computer is running very good now and I have no issues anymore. I am also going to start posting again as I didn't want to post until I finished my interview. Finally I am going to officially throw my support behind Stephane Dion as you can see with my new donate button in the corner of my blog. I will write something tomorrow when I get home from work at 10 pm so look forward to the return of my blog.