Saturday, June 24, 2006

Last Chance People

This is the last chance to get your questions answered by Mr. Stephane Dion on Sunday. I am conducting and interview with him and I want to get some other people's questions to make it more involved with the blogging community. Please post your questions on my blog, or e-mail them to me and I will try to get them all asked. I have several already, but I do have a good chunk of his time so I will have a lot of opportunity to ask him questions. So, don't be shy, ask away. It doesn't matter what the question is, if you got one for him, tell me and I'll ask him. If this goes well, I am gonna put a request to all the other leaders for an interview and do it all over again with them.

**Update, I officially got my time for my interview with Stepahne Dion. It will be on Monday at 6:00pm**
**Up to 22 Questions now keep them coming...I am getting repeats but still send them as I will give you cred for asking the question**


Anonymous said...

I've got a plathora of questions...


1: Decriminalization of Marijuana: For or Against?

2: Electorial system: Like it the way it is or in favor of some form of proportional representation?

3: Senete: Keep it the way it is, change it, or scrap it?

4: International Trade: Any specific countries we should be looking at signing agreements with?

5: Media: Does Mr. Dion have any opinion and/or future intentions on dealing with the increasing concentration of ownership in the mainstream media?

6: CBC: I would like to hear your idea of what direction the CBC should take given the recent media reports regarding the network?

7: Afghanistan: What should be the criteria for leaving? and is there anything that the Canadian government can do (alone or as part of a international effort) to avoid having the nation become a narco-state after our active military presense ends?

And finally for a more human interest question...

8: If you could meet any notable Canadian public figure (Living or Dead) who would it be and why?

Unknown said...

OOOHHHH, I forgot about a couple of those. I wish you left a name so I could give you credit for this but since you didn't....they are now mine...MUAHAHAHAHA

noone said...

Despite his prior telephone conferences and his packed with information website, people still don't trust him. The only reason they give for their distrust is as follows:-

1. He's from Quebec (which to Canadians says he's just like Chretien - ie.Adscam - so they figure he is the same in that he will cater to Quebec's needs over the rest of the country)

2. He was in charge of the Environment while working with Chretien and Martin yet did nothing. But now he has all these plans and ideas. So people are asking, why didn't he implement any of that while he was in power with the Liberal PMs.

These are the criticisms/concerns I see all over the blogs whenever Dion is mentioned. So if he could answer them directly and in some detail, it would do a lot to help him I think.

As for me, I want to know that he is not infavour of catering to the demands of the USA. I'll still vote for him regardless but that is my greatest concern.

Unknown said...

Carrie, first off, thank you for your input. I am going to ask him your final question in regards to his views about the United States. It is not going to be the exact same question, but prettied up to make sure the right question is asked and I look professional.

In regards to your comments, being from Quebec is more of a plus then a negative as it will help drive up votes in the riding rich Quebec region. Since he is also a former professor, his academic credentials will give him support around the rest of the country. Also, Mr. Dion was only Environment Minister for 2 years from 2004-6 and during that time he was the one responsible for ratifying the Kyoto Accord but unfortunately The Cons are going to scrap it. Anyways, the US question is a hot button issue which needs to be addressed and I hope I get you the info you need with my sit down.

noone said...

Thanks Milan. Dion is my pick too, I was just letting you know what I see in comments on blogs as criticisms. I have no problem with Dion being from Quebec.