Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dion in E-Town

Well, Stephane Dion was in Edmonton today and I promised that I would get an interview and I got it. It was supposed to be a 20 minute interview, but time constraints dropped it down to 10 minutes. My interview time with him was close to an hour and every question I asked got answered. I was going to ask 22 questions, but since I occupied so much of his time, I shortened it down to 18 I think. Anyways, I downloaded the recording onto my computer and I am going to transcribe it tomorrow. I am really tired now since I have been up since 7am and I had only 5 hours sleep that night. I am going to try to post the actual recordings but I am not sure how to do it yet. Once I find out a good way to do it I will post that as well...along with pictures of the night which will be e-mailed to me by Matt Naylor later this week. Anyways, more on this tomorrow as I am going to bed now.

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