Now I don't know why but this banner really confuses me. Do they mean that everyone that teaches is a Liberal? Or does it mean that we are supposed to fight the man by becoming a member of the Reform Party...oops, I mean the Canadian Alliance....damn, I mean the Con party? Last time I checked, the Cons were still in power so wouldn't that mean that we should be joining a party that isn't affiliated with the Cons? Or are they saying that nobody in their right mind would actually vote for the Cons so you should vote for them so you won't be a conformist? So the Cons are now the new emo? Wait I like that one....let me just say that again, THE CONS ARE THE NEW EMO!!!!! It makes me chuckle inside. I am still trying to wrap my head around this banner and it makes absolutely no sense.
I think it implies a widely held perception that:
a) Teachers are generally left leaning
b) University profs are even more left than that.
I don't see how the ad implies that university profs are Liberals. Not sure where you're getting that.
I don't see how the ad implies that university profs are Liberals. Not sure where you're getting that.
Then you are an idiot grumpy that has not been listening to "conservative" talking points and other buffoons such a fright-winger radio talk show hosts.
The last "CPC Energy" piece of propaganda had a "freak your friends" out with what look like a dope smoker (or a least a very brain dead youth).
I think the message is "Join us, it's cool, and it does not matter if you are an ignorant numbnuts"
Grumpy, you're right.
Colleges and Universities are mostly left wing.
Why do you think Liberals are mostly young while COns are mostly older and wiser?
If anything, young people at universities tend to swing NDP until they get a little older and wider. Cherniak, get bent - not sure why you're calling me an idiot, I simply commented on this blog. Dude, get out of your mother's basement and away from a computer. Come into the light, all are welcome, all are welcome.
I can only speak for York U but from my experience the profs there have been very left leaning, I can only assume its a similar situation in most other universities in Canada.
Grumpy is right . . . the problem is many Canadians today never grow up . . . they expect the government to walk with them through life, helping them over every tiny obstacle, while taking most of their cash.
Saw a survey a while back on the US Media . . . almost 90% were card carying Dimocraps. Bet the universities are about the same.
Probably higher here in Canada.
Grumpy, you should have rephrased it as "common misconception" as university profs cover the entire political spectrum from the very left to the very right and everywhere in between. But it is true that the majority of people that obtain a higher level of education, especially in the field of political science is left leaning because when you actually start doing the research and think about the state of global affairs, the more you realize that the Liberal approach is the best one.
Cherniak_wtf, dude at least make it a constructive argument, he made a valid point, you should at least be civil and give him a proper counterpoint.
Johnathon, your comment is a contradiction of ideas. You say that everyone in the higher levels of education are all Liberals and then you say that only the smart people vote Emo. It is like saying you are either for the war or against the troops.
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