Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Called It!!!! I am the Greatest!!!!

Well, like every other Liberal blogger has posted, Stephane Dion has won the Liberal Leadership. To this I have to say....You're Welcome. If it wasn't for me, and only me, Dion wouldn't have won the vote. Not the delegates, the campaign staff, not the candidates who threw their support behind Dion, and not Stephane himself. It was all me!!!! If it wasn't for my Official Anyone but Rae or Iggy campaign that reached tens of readers, Stephane Dion wouldn't have won the election. It just shows how powerful my blog truly is. GO ME!!!![proceeds to do a bad robot dance]

So, as I said Stephane Dion is now the official Leader of the Opposition, and the next Prime Minister of Canada. His policies that he ran on are a stark contrast to the narrow view that the Cons have put out and will show the world that Canada is back and we have recuperated from our drunken one night stand with our "New Canadian Government"

I would like to congratulate Mr Dion and all of his campaign staff that worked so tirelessly to get him to where he is today. He is truly a deserving person with the drive and the intelligence to make this country the great bastion of social ideals and progressive intellect that we truly are.

I would also like to thank the other candidates for a great job rallying Canadians across the country and re-introducing them to the Big Red Machine. Gerard Kennedy, Scott Brison, Martha Hall Findlay, Bob Rae, Ken Dryden, Joe Volpe, and Michael Ignatieff were all great icons in helping re-energize the Liberal Base and all of them ran great campaigns. Your work to bring life back to the party is greatly appreciated. This spring will be a great time for the Liberal Party of Canada as we WILL retake our rightful place as the true voice of Canada and lead our great nation to another decade or more of economic, social, and environmental prosperity.

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