Saturday, October 14, 2006

Need Help People!!!!

Ok, I have been gone for quite some time now. I was busy getting my license, and a car. Now that I have that out of the way I am going to get back to some blogging. By the way, I am going to post some pics of my car tomorrow and I apologize in advance for the low resolution. I don't have a camera and my Sony-Ericsson got stolen so I have to rely on the VGA quality of my Motorola.

Anyways, I have a dilemma. There are two different things that I want to do at the end of November but I don't know which one to choose. The laziest way to do it is to make you guys decide for me. I am considering joining the Laurier Club so I can become an Observer at the LPC convention in December, and I also want to get a PS3. Now the problem is I don't have the money to do both and I need to decide. So, over the next few days, I want ANYBODY WHO READS this to give their opinion on what I should do. I am very perplexed as to what I should do as both options are of high priority for me. I already have a place to stay in Montreal and my flight is already taken care of. So my only concern is coming up with the $500 I need to join the Laurier Club. I am also an avid gamer who has been waiting for the PS3 since it was first announced at E3 last year and even bought a High-Def TV just so I could use the PS3. I really need your help guys to sway my position either way.

P.S. This is an A or B type response. If you can’t come up with one, then kindly don’t say anything at all. You can give your reasons for either response but just don’t stray off topic.


Robert said...

Welcome back MM,

I say, go with Laurier club and the Leadership Convention.

The PS3 will still be around later, and if you wait long enough, cheaper.

Dave said...

I agree with Robert, but I'm biased, I want more drinking buddies in Montreal. To extend the life of your current system, find a game that takes 40+ hours to get through. Suggestions:
Suikoden 1-5/tactics
Any Star Ocean game
And let's not forget FF12 is out in 15 days.

Unknown said...

Well Dave, I have played and beaten Suikoden 1-5, same with star ocean, but I would like to see FF12 up converted to 1080. I am going to ask my boss on Friday to see if I can even take the time off of work. I guess that will be one of the biggest deciding factors.

Unknown said...

oh, and thanks Robert for the input. I guess I should have put that in the last post....but I know Dave so I automatically drifted towards answering his post first.

Anonymous said...

Well, if I were you I would buy the PS3 and then watch the Convention on your new HD Television. As much as I support our Party (seeing as I got elected a delegate spot to go) I really do not see the point in going unless you just really want to drink on the Liberal and Leadership Candidates Dime and chat it up with fellow Liberals from all across this nation. You don't have a vote and there for can only party it up! Now I do not know the full cost of a PS3 but if it isn't more then 500 whatever is left over you can buy booze with and order pizza and chat with other Liberal buddies of yours that either chose not to go, didn't get elected or couldn't afford it.
If you chose however to go, I will see you in Montreal!

Unknown said...

Gee, thanks Michelle, that really didn't help :). That is exactly my problem...I wanna go and meet the grits in Montreal...get some networking going, and drink myself sober (it is me). But I do want a PS3. I have been waiting a year and a half for it to come out since Sony introduced it back in E3 2005. So far, everyone I talked to about this has either said get a PS3 because they were a gamer or said go to convention because they are a Liberal. Well, I guess the standard coin flip will choose what I will do.