Wednesday, December 06, 2006

United Liberals Blog-The Details

First off, the post to view the original information regarding the start of this blog can be seen here.

The new United Liberals blog is a concept I created to make a one-stop-shop for swing voters, Red Tories, and centrist NDPers to get their information and hear the Liberal message. An election is coming and it is coming soon. We need to get in early and start changing people’s minds to get them to vote Liberal before it is too late.

The blog will start with a small group chosen by me, that is if they accept the offer. They have been chosen for their ideas, the way they communicate their message, and for some of them, popularity in the blogging community. My only thoughts on this was we need some people with name recognition, and we need an articulate, concise message that will help convince people to switch their vote to the Liberal Party. There were 11 out of the 25 positions that I gave open invitations for. Of those, I only expect half of them to actually say yes. Seriously, do you think Warren Kinsella will be doing posting on this blog. Jason is most likely too busy, CalgaryGrit probably is too, and I don't think anyone even knows where Scott is. Even if I left it completely open, Rob probably would have asked to join and Dave would have joined. So that would leave 4 people that I chose. The reason I chose them is their abilities as bloggers and the respect I have for them. Of those 4 people, none of them have said anything that leaves......nobody. This was a dream group, if they wanted it, the position was theirs, if not, there is a strong pool of bloggers that could take their position.

If you decide to become a member of the United Liberals blog, you will be screened by the current members of the group for 2 reasons. 1. To see if you are truly a Liberal, 2. To see if your writing style would be a good fit for the blog. (For example, if I applied, the consensus would be to decline me because I am very immature on my blog. On the United Liberals blog, I will be a lot more professional, and I promise I will not use profanity in my posts.) We want good, strong people to write in the blog so we can convince as many people as possible to vote Liberal.

All decisions on the blog will be a consensus up to and including the colour of the blog. Since we have to start somewhere, I made the first few appointments to get the ball rolling. After today, the rest of the bloggers will be chosen by the group with priority given to the people on my dream list. If they don't want to participate, then we will choose someone else to participate. Even everything I say now, will end up being up for debate so when we officially launch the site, it may not resemble what I have posted here.

All of the bloggers that will post on United Liberals will still be posting on their own blogs as usual. United Liberals will be used to post the views of regular Liberals on current events and Liberal ideas on the major issues Canadians are facing. On the latter, United Liberals will be used as a think-tank to come up with new ideas to the problems facing all of us. One idea will be to post a topic of a major issue, and have all the bloggers post ideas on possible solutions to that problem, come up with a consensus, and propose it to the Liberal Party of Canada.

This seguway's to the next idea for the blog. Once we get big enough, we could petition the Liberal Party to get official recognized status and be the first daily Liberal Party blog. With the LPC's backing, we would reach a whole new audience and really show the power of the blogosphere. As I said earlier, this is just an idea and will be voted on by the panel once it is assembled.

One person asked, how would this affect Liblogs? The short answer is very little to not at all. The long answer is that postings on Liblogs would scroll through a little bit faster as there will be several posts going on throughout the day. It would be like 25 new blogs posted on Liblogs a day. Of course I will recommend that we join Liblogs and if we get too big, we may leave it so the smaller blogs will have the opportunity to post. The downside to this will be lower traffic to Liblogs, but that would level out in time.

As I have said, all final ideas will be the consensus of the members of the blog and only a consensus. There will be nobody with any additional power. It will truly be a collective of ideas and ideals to help the Liberal Party during the next election.

If I missed something, or if something is still unclear, just post a comment and I will try to answer it as quickly as possible.

Milan Maligec

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The New United Liberals Blog

After watching the Liberal Leadership Convention and the calls for unity, I have decided to make a very ambitious undertaking. (Hopefully) with the help of the other Liberal Bloggers, I want to spearhead a new United Liberals Blog designed to be one voice for the blogging community. My goal is to have 25 Liberals from across Canada from various cities and hopefully even some Liberal MP's so we can spread the message of a new Canada with new ideas and a new Prime Minister. If you are interested in participating in this new united blog, please e-mail me at I have a few choices for bloggers or blogs from certain areas which I will post with the area that they are from. They will be in quotations as possible, if they confirm that they are on board with this idea, then they will be placed in brackets beside the city. The cities I want representation from are as follows:

***And then there were seven, Rob Edger is now an official Saskatchewan blogger, Dave Monroe is now the official Northwest Territories blogger, Ruth Ellis Haworth is now an official Ontario blogger, Audacious Ontology is now an official British Columbia blogger, Sebastian Jodion is now an official Quebec blogger, and Darren McEwan is now an official Ontario Blogger for the new United Liberals Blog. Scott Robarts has confirmed interest but has not yet been approved by the current members***

**Update, I have decided to change the format of the contributors of the blog. It will now be based on provinces and not cities. See below for the values for each province. People in brackets are confirmed, quotations are for people I wish to have.**

British Columbia
1.”Women in Politics”
2.(Audacious Ontology)

3. (Me)
4. “Calgary Grit”

7. (Rob Edger)


10. (Darren McEwan)
11. (Ruth Ellis Haworth)
12. "Jason Cherniak"

15. (Sébastien Jodoin)
16. "Fuddle Duddle"

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

New Brunswick



Northwest Territories
23. (Dave Monroe)



Alternates that I don't know where they are from: Warren Kinsella, A Canadian Leaf, Scott Feschuk.

Now, there are still some bloggers I want to contribute, but I don't know exactly where they live, so they may conflict with my choices. The people I posted up top are my first choices for those areas/cities but you are still welcome to put your name in the hat for those areas if they decline. As I said, this is a very ambitious undertaking and the contributions by the bloggers I stated, will definitely help bring a strong voice to the blog and get people to listen to the Liberal message.

I also want to get Liberal MP's, both current and former to be a part of this blog as well. As this will be a major Liberal Blog, having their voices will help them reach the common people and in some cases show a softer, more natural side of them. If any Liberal MP wants to be a part of this blog, send me an e-mail at using your parliamentary e-mail address. This way, we can make sure that you are who you say you are and we don't have people posting using your name and tarnishing your image.

Once somebody accepts the invite, they will be involved in the selection process as well. Once you are in, you get to decide who else gets in...if you are number 25, then you don't get to use that decision until somebody drops out and we go on the hunt to replace them. We will try to make this completely bilingual and hopefully, we can find a person who knows something about html scripting so we can have a pretty site as well. If all goes well, we will consider a petition to become the first full time Liberal Blog. This will also be a group decision with a majority rules vote.

I hope this interests a lot of you people out there as this can potentially be the biggest thing to hit Canadian politics since my blog.....or something that actually has had an impact on politics. Once again, if anyone is interested in joining this blog, please e-mail me at and we will all join together to bring a strong United Liberal voice to Canadians.

Thank You,

Milan Maligec

Saturday, December 02, 2006

I Called It!!!! I am the Greatest!!!!

Well, like every other Liberal blogger has posted, Stephane Dion has won the Liberal Leadership. To this I have to say....You're Welcome. If it wasn't for me, and only me, Dion wouldn't have won the vote. Not the delegates, the campaign staff, not the candidates who threw their support behind Dion, and not Stephane himself. It was all me!!!! If it wasn't for my Official Anyone but Rae or Iggy campaign that reached tens of readers, Stephane Dion wouldn't have won the election. It just shows how powerful my blog truly is. GO ME!!!![proceeds to do a bad robot dance]

So, as I said Stephane Dion is now the official Leader of the Opposition, and the next Prime Minister of Canada. His policies that he ran on are a stark contrast to the narrow view that the Cons have put out and will show the world that Canada is back and we have recuperated from our drunken one night stand with our "New Canadian Government"

I would like to congratulate Mr Dion and all of his campaign staff that worked so tirelessly to get him to where he is today. He is truly a deserving person with the drive and the intelligence to make this country the great bastion of social ideals and progressive intellect that we truly are.

I would also like to thank the other candidates for a great job rallying Canadians across the country and re-introducing them to the Big Red Machine. Gerard Kennedy, Scott Brison, Martha Hall Findlay, Bob Rae, Ken Dryden, Joe Volpe, and Michael Ignatieff were all great icons in helping re-energize the Liberal Base and all of them ran great campaigns. Your work to bring life back to the party is greatly appreciated. This spring will be a great time for the Liberal Party of Canada as we WILL retake our rightful place as the true voice of Canada and lead our great nation to another decade or more of economic, social, and environmental prosperity.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Time To Blow Your Freakin' Mind

Okay, I know that this is supposed to be a political blog, but I came up with something so unbelievably mind blowing, I just had to share it. What I came up with is the Maligec theory of the Universe and The Maligec Theory of Evolution. Now, I don't have a degree, but my theories actually make a lot of sense and follow all laws of physics and nature. Now, without further adieu, here is my world premier of my theories.

We have all been striving to answer the age old question of life, the universe and everything. Heck, there was even a book that's premise revolved around that question. Yes it was The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, but the question was there. Today, I have come up with a theory that will be able to prove the age old question of how it all started and how we got to where we are today.

First off I will start with how the universe was created. The universe has both a yin and a yang. Life and death, light and dark, good and evil. Elementary physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. Now, this works in all scenarios except one, Black Holes. Black holes do have a polar opposite in a white hole which instead of sucking all matter and energy, shoots out matter and energy from its vortex. Now, if you place physics into explaining a black hole, the massive gravity well will suck in matter energy, and time but it does not transfer the energy anywhere. My theory is that black holes actually store everything it sucks in and stores it inside of itself. As a black hole accumulates matter and energy it slowly fills up in subspace. Now, once a black hole reaches critical mass, it would explode and expel all of its contents into normal space. This would be like eating way too much and eventually throwing up all the contents of your stomach. This would happen on a continual basis of binging and purging. Turning black holes into white holes, creating new black holes which in turn would create new white holes and the cycle would continue forever. The universe was always here, just in different forms. This theory also follows every aspect of physics and our understanding of the universe. This cycle would take trillions of years to complete and once the entire universe has been sucked into black holes, they would be purged back into our universe thus recreating the cycle of the universe.

Now I am going to tackle the question of how we got to where we are today. By we, I do mean human beings, and by how we got here, I mean how humans evolved from single cell organisms into walking, breathing, talking organisms. I would begin by just explaining how the cellular evolution came to be, but I decided to start even earlier. I am starting on how those cells even came into existence. Now, we all know that bacterial cells can survive in the vacuum of space in a dormant state, and once it reaches a suitable temperature, they would divide and multiply. We have all seen this with meteors that have had bacterial cultures and started to divide once we brought it back to room temperature. Now, with my theory of how the universe started, matter is sucked into a black hole and stored into subspace until critical mass is reached, then expelled into the universe. Once the matter is sucked into subspace, there would be bacterial cultures on some of that matter. Once it is expelled, those cultures would float around in the universe until it crashes into a planet. If by chance it crashes into a planet with a suitable atmosphere and distance from the sun like Earth, then the bacteria would multiply and start the basis of all life on Earth. Now, while multiplying, the bacteria would be subject to a lot of radiation from the new universe that has just formed. Due to this radiation, mutations in the cells DNA would cause the bacteria to change, causing new dominant traits in the cells, thus evolving the bacteria into new forms. This has been proven, albeit by accident with radioactive mutations in our environment. We have caused mutations in frogs which gave them extra limbs so we know radiation will allow for genetic accidents. With millions of years of constant genetic accidents we would see the evolution of the bacterial cells into multi-celled organisms, and eventually into the accident known as marine life. While those mutations continue to occur, you eventually get a fish that accidentally has lungs instead of gills. With this accident, you would have the first land animals. Those animals would have a mutated form of those original bacteria on them and eventually shed them onto the surface where they would mutate into other forms of animals and plant life and it would continue until today. Basic evolutions in species occur naturally like sabre-tooth tigers loosing their long teeth due to smaller mammals populating the world, and mammoths losing most of their hair so they can survive in more tropical regions. The bigger change is the evolutionary accidents where radioactive mix-ups with DNA cause major shifts in a species, like monkeys into proto humans, and then eventually into man. The evolution of the human species wasn'’t natural, it was actually a cosmic accident where a couple of strands of DNA were changed into something completely different which was also not catastrophic to the new species. Since I am not a scientist, I cannot test this myself but if there is someone out there who can, they can prove my theory by placing several thousand of a species in a controlled environment and subjecting them to various forms of radiation and testing them to see if they evolve into a new form of life. If this is done, this would prove my theory of life on Earth.

Now, as I stated before, I am not a scientist, but my theories do fall in line with all of our current knowledge of the universe and explain how everything came to be. The Universe binges and purges itself through black holes and new species evolution is purely a cosmic accident caused by genetic mutations in our DNA, thus creating a new species.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thank God I'm Not Cherniak

I used to read Jason's blog daily, but I have only sporadically read his blog over the last few months. Not because I don't like it, but because I am too lazy to get off my couch and go to my compy. I decided to read it again today and the only thing I can say is I am glad my blog is not like his blog. I am soooooo happy that I am still small potatoes in the ol' blogosphere and don't have to deal with the troll(s?) that he has to deal with. He could probably post a comment saying "I like puppies, they are cute" and the trolls will turn it into a crack about Gomery and possibly one about how Paul Martin strangles hookers while feeding babies to rabid dogs.

Well, if I did have the quantity of people on my blog that Jason has, I would run out of insults that I throw out at the trolls for being so fucking retarded. I have a statement for anyone who reads blogs. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE BLOG YOU ARE READING, READ SOMETHING ELSE YOU FUCKTARD!!!!!! If you do decide to read and post comments on the blog anyways, grow a fucking set of testicles and post your fucking name. I know most people who post comments on blogs are either friends of the blogger, or like minded people who agree, or slightly disagree and will give an intellectual rebuttal on how their idea may produce a better result. Nowadays, comments are usually "YOU FUCKING SUCK CHERNIAK, MY GOD YOU ARE DUMB". I still believe Jason should either turn on comment moderation, or remove commenting all together and create a bulletin board so they can complain to their hearts content. Or better still, GET THEIR OWN FUCKING BLOG AND RANT LIKE A FUCKING LUNATIC!!!! You I do.

Anyways, I need a smoke and the Daily Show is on in a couple of minutes.

The Man is Watching Me!!!!

Okay, I keep on getting a reader from The House of Commons and I was wondering who you were. If I have made it all the way to Ottawa for recognition, I want know who you are so I can make the claim that you agree with my views and would support me in the next Liberal Leadership Convention when Stephane Dion retires after 15 years in power.

If it is Stephane, just say hi!!. It is the least you could do since I created the Anyone But Rae or Iggy campaign and got you the leading number of votes in the second ballot. It had nothing to do with your campaign ideas or your strength as a was all me!!!!

Anyways, just wanted to get that out there and make unsubstantiated claims that I am the greatest political mastermind of all time!!!


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Democrats Win Both The House and Senate

As the first blog to create the Anyone but Rae or Iggy campaign, which by the way was so successful that Dion is now leading in second ballot polls, I am going to be the first blog (at least on Liblogs) to declare that the Democrats have won both the House and Senate races in the Midterm Midtacular.

Why is this important you ask....well, this means that the Republicans will now have a scapegoat for the war in Iraq in the 2008 Presidential Elections by blaming it all on the Democrat controlled House and Senate. Way to go Republicans on losing this election!!!! You have now just set yourselves up for a sweep in 2008.

I know I haven't posted much on my innovative Anyone but Rae or Iggy Campaign, but I have been working over the last few days and I bought Final Fantasy 12 so those have taken up much of my time. I will be posting more stuff tomorrow, and I will be posting on Thursday and Friday as well since I have those days off.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Crunch Time in the Liberal Leadership Race

Since I am unable to go to the Liberal Leadership Convention in December....I decided to use my blog to create a movement for all the Liberals that read my blog. My movement is being called the Anyone but Rae or Iggy Campaign. By this, I mean if you support anyone but Bob Rae or Michael Ignatieff, and you do not want them to become leader of the Liberal Party, you should lend Stephane Dion your vote for the second ballot of the Leadership Election. Even if you are supporting one of those two candidates, and you are trailing in the ballots, you should drop your vote, and vote for Stephane.

Stephane Dion is the only real choice for running the Liberal Party for a lot of reasons. He is the longest serving Liberal in the running, he is French and that will help with the Quebec vote, he's not Bob Rae so he will do well in Ontario, he's not Iggy so he will do well with minorities, he has a plan for curbing climate change, and he is a very strong public speaker which will help with bringing down The Harp. I will post more tomorrow about my new initiative, but it is late and I want to go to bed.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mini Rant Time

I haven't posted in a while so I am going to do a mini rant of current events to catch me back up.

1. Closed, the new open!!!- Political watchdog groups are getting rather pissed off at the Cons version of an open government. Their idea of an open government is to not give out any info or if they have to. Here is an excerpt:
"Mike Wallace, a Conservative MP who's on the all-party ethics committee, has called on the justice minister to table a new bill by December. He said he has yet to hear back from the justice minister.
To which the justice minister replied "Information regarding a new bill to overhaul the access to information act will take 60,000 man-hours to find and would cost Mr. Wallace 4.3 trillion dollars.

2. Pound O'Dope- Dick Pound, Chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency is now saying that Canada is filled with Doped up athletes. He is saying that we are harbouring Athletes from around the world that are using performance-enhancing drugs. Now, as far as I know, the only person that has moved to Canada for work because he was banned from playing in the US for Drug-Use is Ricky Williams. I know Canada has a smaller population than the US, but one person still doesn't classify Canada as a Drug Refuge.

3. Nobody Cares What You Think!!!- Now we all know that climate change is real and the Cons won't do anything about it...but what the hell is Jack Layton thinking threatening a non-confidence vote right now. Everyone in the world knows that the Liberals are in the middle of a leadership election and will vote down any non-confidence motions. Also, it hasn't even been one year since the last election and whoever tables a non-confidence vote will get punished at the polls because they made everyone get out and vote so early. Layton is purely grandstanding and should be completely ignored for the rest of his natural life!

4. Screw You Injins!!!- This is the Cons official response to the stalemate in Caledonia. Jim Prentice has cancelled the scheduled meeting between the feds, the province and the First Nations group claming the land in Caledonia. Since land claims are a federal issue, the federal government should be fronting the bill to settle the claim and should be doing the negotiations. Since the stalemate began in February, the feds have done nothing at all. The only people that have been doing anything is the provincial government, and the province is trying to get the feds to pay up for all the resources it has put into settling it. So the Cons responded with the standard, screw you guys, I'm going home response that they love to do.

I was going to post more, but I am tired and I want to go to bed.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well, That Answers That Question

I talked to my boss on Friday about getting the week off to go to the Liberal Leadership Convention...and the answer was no. I kind of assumed as much since it is the busiest time of the year and since I work in retail, it is also the time to make the most money. So, since it is the golden quarter and the fact that we are already short staffed...I guess this means I will be buying a PS3 in November and hopefully they come out with a Liberal Leadership Convention Sim game so I can feel like I will be with you guys there.

On another note, I will be getting heavily intoxicated the weekend after the convention. If anyone else wants to come to the drink-a-thon, let me know and I will try to make it more of an official Liberal Kegger and book a bar and such. This is just in the idea stage right now and with any sort of support, I might try to make it a reality.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Shoot Me in the Head!!!

Ok, I am as shocked as much as you are, but I actually agree with the Cons in an actual policy. Now, before I get ahead of myself and support the idea, I do want to take a long look at the amendment...then get someone to dumb it down for me.....then get someone to dumb down the simplified I know for sure that there are no loopholes that people could exploit.

There are two major parts to this amendment, the first one is that after the third violent or sexual conviction, the convicted offender will have to prove that they should not be considered dangerous offenders. This rule is kinda similar to the three strikes: You're out policy that they have in the States, but watered down for content. It does have the same potential for problems that occurred in the States with that policy. Once you get two strikes, if you are still committing the same crimes then you are going to shoot your way to bullet-ridden corpse. Yes it does deter to some degree, but it also increases more violent offences. The same thing COULD happen here as well, but to a lesser extent....and I do emphasize could.

The second part of this amendment is to increase the peace bond from 12 month max to a 24 month max. I think they haven't gone far enough. This should be extended for the length that the person requesting the bond requested without any timeline for a maximum. Peace bonds are meant to protect the individual requesting it and it shouldn't have an expiry date. At least this is a start and I do have to give them props for that.

I guess I still have a little bit of Conservative left in me, but it only extends to crime. I am all for rehabilitation and counselling but there is a line that you have to draw to say that you're fucked up and there is no help for you. I know that’s not politically correct but we all think it and we all know someone who is beyond help and for the greater good of society should be locked up for good. We should always try to rehabilitate criminals in hopes that they will become a productive member of society but we do have to draw the line once the options are exhausted. I guess I will be getting flack for this but this is the great thing about the internet....I can say whatever I want to on my blog and there's nothing anyone can do about it!!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here Ya Go!!

I don't know if anyone has found this....or if anyone really cares but I found it!!! Yes here is Ahmadinejad's Blog!!!!. My god I'm lazy

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Need Help People!!!!

Ok, I have been gone for quite some time now. I was busy getting my license, and a car. Now that I have that out of the way I am going to get back to some blogging. By the way, I am going to post some pics of my car tomorrow and I apologize in advance for the low resolution. I don't have a camera and my Sony-Ericsson got stolen so I have to rely on the VGA quality of my Motorola.

Anyways, I have a dilemma. There are two different things that I want to do at the end of November but I don't know which one to choose. The laziest way to do it is to make you guys decide for me. I am considering joining the Laurier Club so I can become an Observer at the LPC convention in December, and I also want to get a PS3. Now the problem is I don't have the money to do both and I need to decide. So, over the next few days, I want ANYBODY WHO READS this to give their opinion on what I should do. I am very perplexed as to what I should do as both options are of high priority for me. I already have a place to stay in Montreal and my flight is already taken care of. So my only concern is coming up with the $500 I need to join the Laurier Club. I am also an avid gamer who has been waiting for the PS3 since it was first announced at E3 last year and even bought a High-Def TV just so I could use the PS3. I really need your help guys to sway my position either way.

P.S. This is an A or B type response. If you can’t come up with one, then kindly don’t say anything at all. You can give your reasons for either response but just don’t stray off topic.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Lil' Update

Hey peeps, I am just letting you guys know that I haven't forgotten about my blog. I have been very busy over the last couple of weeks with getting my license and I am currently looking for a car. I will be back posting soon as I may have found a car that I want and once I get it, and most likely after my birthday, I will start posting again.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We Want Your Vote......Just Not You!!!

Ok, seeing this little post on CBC made me chuckle a little. Not allowing anybody to run against you is a very good way to make sure that you win an election. The Cons are being sued by not one, not two, but 3 different people because they were not allowed to enter their respective races for their ridings. Well, to be more clear...two were for that reason, and the third was promised money to not run so whistleblower guy could run...and he still never received the money. This is the party that's supposed to bring honesty and integrity to politics, yet they impede the democratic process by eliminating all competition so their candidates that they hand pick can win. Now, handpicking politicians to run in ridings isn't new, it has been done for years, but blocking other members so they cannot even run by slamming the doors in their faces or simply putting their fingers in their ears and screaming LALALALALALALA until they leave is just plain wrong. I said it when I first started my blog and I will say it again. The Liberals lost their way, but if you want to see corrupt people, elect a Conservative and watch your freedoms fly away like a DC10 with rockets heading for the United States.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sheriff John Brown Hits The Road

First off, bonus points for whoever gets the reference in the title. Secondly, what the hell are they thinking? I am all for creating an Alberta Provincial Police Force to man the highways and rural areas of Alberta. It works in Ontario, why not try it here. But making sheriffs to be glorified traffic that is just dumb. First off, calling them sheriffs is just flirting with Alberta's love of American conservatism and the American way of life in general. Now I don't mean that everyone in Alberta is crazy, but there are enough of them to lump them all together under the provincial banner. Just look at who Alberta elected for their legislature and who they voted into Parliament. If they are going to do this, go all the way and create a Provincial Police Force. Do not half ass it and create sheriffs to write speeding tickets. I know, not much to say, but it's the long weekend so there's no news to type about.

Random Rants

It's a slow news day, so I am just going to briefly address a few stories that came out over the last few days.

1. Chinese head tax paperwork creates confusion- Seriously, did anyone expect anything different than this. If you are going to get money from the government, they will make it as difficult as possible. It doesn't matter what government is in power, it will always be near impossible to get money from them. Don't believe me, do your taxes and call me when you get out of the psych ward.

2. Pull troops from Afghanistan by February: Layton- Ok, his heart is in the right place but I am putting out an APB on his mind. Layton wants us to stop the offensive military campaign in Afghanistan...fine, you came up with a good idea that has been echoed for months. Then you want Canada to pull out our troops....that's when he gets stupid. We need the troops there, they can do things other than kill people and die. They have been used in the past, and to a lesser extent than they should be in Afghanistan, to rebuild war-torn regions and train local military and police services so those nations can defend themselves. As I have been saying for a long time and I will continue to say until either this whole fiasco ends or I become Prime Minister (whichever comes first) Canada should be there purely for humanitarian and rebuilding purposes and to help train Afghanistan's military and police forces so they can deal with the Taliban themselves.

3. Alberta same-sex bill blocked by opposition- Now I am still trying to figure out how somebody can try to fight a freedom of choice/speech issue by using the freedom of choice/speech tactic. Since I have the freedom to say what I want and the freedom to choose to marry a person of the opposite sex, then it should be a law that everyone must agree with me. Come on people. If you work for the government, your bigotry stays at home. You deal with the fucking public, you have to deal with the entire fucking public. This bill was to allow justices to refuse to marry same-sex couples based on religious beliefs, to slander and defamate the gay and lesbian community, and to remove any mention of the fact that gays and lesbians exist in schools. This is getting fucking ridiculous and it must be stopped. I urge every Albertans that reads my blog to write their MLA and force them to remove such bigotry from the Albertans Legislature.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Oopsie Doodle

I got some good news and some bad news people.

First, the bad news, I formatted my computer and I forgot to back up all my data so I lost my recording of the Dion interview. So, unfortunately I will not be able to finish my interview that I did with him several months ago.

Now for the good news, my computer is running very good now and I have no issues anymore. I am also going to start posting again as I didn't want to post until I finished my interview. Finally I am going to officially throw my support behind Stephane Dion as you can see with my new donate button in the corner of my blog. I will write something tomorrow when I get home from work at 10 pm so look forward to the return of my blog.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

An Interview With a Dion Pt. 1

Well, I finally got around to doing some of my interview with Mr. Dion. It took a long freaking time to transcribe it and I still haven't finished yet. It took me about 3 straight hours to produce the text version of 6 minutes of interview. God I wish I had Dragon: Naturally Speaking so I can get this transcribed. So, without any further adieu, here is the first 3 questions of my interview.

(Me) The first question I actually do have for you is from my friend named Dave who is from Yellowknife. His question was, with the development of Canada’s north booming as it is, what is your stance on the Mackenzie Pipeline Developments and general northern development as a whole?

Stephane) About the Mackenzie Pipeline, I was the Minister of the Environment and I insisted on a very strong environmental assessment. (***audio glitch…lost part of the comment. Basically he said he wanted to make sure all environmental assessments were done and to make sure that it was safe to do so with minimal environmental impact. He also wanted to make sure we got the approval of the Aboriginals in the north and use northerners to build the pipeline.***) On the north, I would expand the national parks and the marine protection areas. With this, I would give decent jobs to the Canadians around there and to the Aboriginal people. I would invest in the science of the north and invite all the scientists of the world to study the Canadian north, including the Danes, and I would be a very strong partner in the Arctic Council that Canada created, which is all the countries in the arctic, to have a international law that would be respected which is the best way to protect our sovereignty and our stewardship of the north.

(Me) The second question is,
Canada’s health care has been steadily declining over the last few years, waiting times have been increased and hospitals have been closed due to lack of funding by the provinces. What steps would you take to bring back Canada’s health care system to the way it was?

Stephane) Don’t think the way it was, was so rosy. In fact in some ways it has been improved. Many diseases that we were unable to cure at the time, now we know how to deal with them, so we need to be careful on our assessments about the situation of the health care system. There are a lot of troubles, wait times are one of them, it’s an international problem, not only for Canada. I know that for me, the key principal to protect, is the principal that we have in the Canada Health Act, the 5 conditions and you may sum it up in one condition. The size of the wallet has nothing to do with the access to the service. We need to protect this principal and if that means we say no to Premier Klein, I will say no. But, health care is a federal jurisdiction in many ways. Aboriginal health, health research, international agreements about heath disease and pandemics, you also have regulations to banish dangerous and polluting products and put them out of the market, promotion of healthy lifestyle, and investing in sports centers. All these issues are federal and these issues aren’t that well done today. I think the federal government should do a much better job in its own backyard and I will do so as Prime Minister.

(Me) Scientists around the world have been saying for years that humankind has been slowly destroying the world by polluting the worlds air, water and land. The Kyoto Accord did administer steps to reduce these pollutions and the current Conservative government is trying to dismantle the
Kyoto accord and pull us out all together. If you were in power, would you keep the accord scrapped, reintroduce the accord, or go even farther beyond the limits that the accord stated to take a leadership role in the world?

Stephane) If we are back in power in 2007, as a Prime Minster, I would still be able to provide a plan to reach our Kyoto commitment. If it is 2008, it will not be possible but I will not give up about the necessity to have greenhouse gas emitions going down and energy efficiency going up. I think it is good for the environment, for the prestige of Canada in the world, and for the strength of our economy in this new industrial revolution. The revolution of the sustainable economy. We need to be energy efficient. Energy is the next crisis of the economy, Kyoto is the incentive to do the right thing, right now instead of waiting and it is what I will do. If I cannot reach Kyoto, I will try. Always. For the environment, for the role of Canada in the world, and for the economy.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Due To Technical Difficulties.....

Unfortunately, due to my speech to text software that I have and a glitch in my recording, my transcript from my Dion interview will take a little longer than I thought. I hope there was only the one recording glitch but I haven't heard the entire recording yet. I will try to transcribe it manually but it will take a little bit longer. Please be patient with me as I will try to get it up as soon as possible.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dion in E-Town

Well, Stephane Dion was in Edmonton today and I promised that I would get an interview and I got it. It was supposed to be a 20 minute interview, but time constraints dropped it down to 10 minutes. My interview time with him was close to an hour and every question I asked got answered. I was going to ask 22 questions, but since I occupied so much of his time, I shortened it down to 18 I think. Anyways, I downloaded the recording onto my computer and I am going to transcribe it tomorrow. I am really tired now since I have been up since 7am and I had only 5 hours sleep that night. I am going to try to post the actual recordings but I am not sure how to do it yet. Once I find out a good way to do it I will post that as well...along with pictures of the night which will be e-mailed to me by Matt Naylor later this week. Anyways, more on this tomorrow as I am going to bed now.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Last Chance People

This is the last chance to get your questions answered by Mr. Stephane Dion on Sunday. I am conducting and interview with him and I want to get some other people's questions to make it more involved with the blogging community. Please post your questions on my blog, or e-mail them to me and I will try to get them all asked. I have several already, but I do have a good chunk of his time so I will have a lot of opportunity to ask him questions. So, don't be shy, ask away. It doesn't matter what the question is, if you got one for him, tell me and I'll ask him. If this goes well, I am gonna put a request to all the other leaders for an interview and do it all over again with them.

**Update, I officially got my time for my interview with Stepahne Dion. It will be on Monday at 6:00pm**
**Up to 22 Questions now keep them coming...I am getting repeats but still send them as I will give you cred for asking the question**

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I finally finished it

I finally finished my budget assessment that I started back in May......damn I'm lazy.

I ain't dead yet!!!

Ok, the tales of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. I have just gotten very, very, very lazy over the last little while. Well, I am gonna post religiously over the next little bit as I prepare for a very important event on my blog. What is it you may ask, well, it is my first ever one-on-one interview with a Liberal candidate. Since the conference call that happened at the end of May was a bust for me due to the schedule changes Mr. Dion had, I was unable to attend it. I did get a major compensation package though by getting a chance for an exclusive (to political blogs by people named Milan) one-on-one with Mr. Dion when he comes to Edmonton this Sunday. Which means, I have to look busy and somewhat professional on my blog if he decides to visit it. I am gonna transcribe the entire interview and post it on my blog for everyone to read. I will also try to record it into mp3 and have the audio available as well.

If anyone has any questions you want me to ask Mr. Dion, please let me know by writing them in my comments. I will try to ask as many of them as possible but I am sure that I will have a time constraint and I may not be able to ask them all. Anyways, I am going to update my child care post and finally finish it.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Blogger Conference Call

Ok, here is an update. The conference call with the Hon. Stephane Dion will be on May 30, 2006. Exact time has not been sent but that is not a big deal for my fellow reader.....s?. Once we have finished the call, I will transcribe the call and post it on ye ole blog. Last chance for questions for Mr. Dion. If you got any for him, post them in my comments and if I have a chance, I will ask him the questions. Please post your name as well just so you get the credit for the question.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Very Interesting

I got an e-mail today from Rob Edger. He asked me if I wanted to have an interview with the Hon. Stephane Dion for the Liberal Leadership campaign. Now, I know Rob has been a blogger for quite some time and he is a Liberal....but I am unsure if he is actually Mr. Dion's e-communications co-chair. If he is, I will be conducting an interview with Mr Dion where I will be asking him the tough questions that should be asked to politicians. If you guys have some questions you want me to ask Mr. Dion, post it in my comments and if it is a real question, I will try to ask him about it during the interview. Anyways, I have to work in the morning and I have to go to bed now.

P.S. I haven't forgot about the budget post from two weeks ago...I am just extremely lazy and I promise I will have it done in a couple of days once I have the time to finish the post. The numbers are done with research and since I am not a tax major, I have to use my limited knowledge of taxation laws to make sure it is correct.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Budget 2006: A Tale of Stupidity

A long while ago, the Cons had released their budget. Now they say that this budget will help lower income families and would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well, I decided to put the numbers to the test by placing a hypothetical single parent, single child family through the paces of both the Liberals and the Cons budgets.

Liberals......... Reason ................................Cons
33,000 ..........Salary ...............................33,000
.-3,600 ..........Income Tax .......................-3,565
.-7,200 ..........Food..................................-7,200
.-1,200 ..........Power ...............................-1,200
.-7,200 ..........Rent ..................................-7,200
....-480 ..........Telephone.............................-480
.-2,568 ..........Clothes .............................-2,544
....-708 ..........Transit Pass .........................-708
..........0 .........Transit Credit ......................+108
..........0 .........Child Care Credit .............+1,200
..........0 .........Child Care Credit Tax ..........-108
..........0 .........Child Care Cost ................-2,400
.+2,124.........Child Benefits.....................+1,956
....+574..........GST Credit..........................+574
.....-480 .........Alberta Health Care .............-480


You see, this is the real difference between the Liberals budget and the Cons. Now, since the non-taxable income is the same, I left those at the planned tax exemption level of $10,000 which will be the amount in 2009 and added in the Con's employee rebate crap thing. Food on average is placed at $600 and since it is food, it is GST exempt. Power is averaged at $100 per month, Rent is $600 per month, Phone is $40 per month, clothes are at $200 per month, transit is at $59 per month, Daycare is at $800 per month (which is the cheapest I have seen) which I worked in the child care packages and subsidies and of course Alberta Health Care is at $34 per month (I can't remember what it is but I believe it is still $34 per month). Now, there are a boat load of extra expenses that I forgot about and just didn't know about but there still is a $1500 difference in the savings. These are the facts people...The Con's budget was supposed to help people like this one, but there is no way that paying $1500 more is considered help when the rich are getting massive discounts and saving boat loads more money. I am not even mentioning how all the retarded spending that they are doing could essentially put the country into debt...I will get to that tomorrow or Tuesday. I just thought I would give you guys something to chew on.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Insert Token Here

So, today The Harp announced that Quebec will hold a seat at the Canadian UNESCO office in Paris. Now, I know that this is just a token gesture used purely as a prop to make it look like the Cons are concerned about national unity but this is absolutely ridiculous. Quebec is a distinct part of Canada but everyone keeps on focusing on the word distinct and not the rest of it. Yes Quebec is distinct in it's culture and it's language, but have you ever heard a Newfie talk, or a person from BC....personally I still can't understand freaker...but the point is, that everyone is distinct from each other, and why in the blue hell are we trying to focus on our differences and not on what truly matters, our similarities.

This really pisses me off when politicians use token gestures to make themselves look like they care. The Liberals have used it from time to time, but that is all the Cons have done since they got into power. At least the Liberals did do things that benefit the nation and things that really meant something.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Belinda Reenacts Her Time in University :)

Well its official....well it was on the 6th but I am writing about it now....Belinda Stronach has dropped out of the Liberal Leadership Race. Now I wasn't a fan of Belinda running for office due to her crossing the floor last year which makes her look like a turncoat running for the Liberals but I do have a lot of respect for her dropping out and letting someone else who has been a Liberal longer than a year or two run the party. Her reasoning was the fact that the Liberals don't have the one member, one vote crap that the Cons have but I do believe that she dropped out because of how people would view her and she would never get a fair chance in the party. Having the current Liberal voting procedures does give Canada a voice in who becomes leader of the Liberals and not Ontario and Quebec. This is the fundamental flaw in the entire one person, one vote crap that everyone is spouting. In the end, it would make it even worse for any other province to have any influence aside from Ontario and Quebec. The best situation for elections in such a distinct nation as Canada is the status quo. We found the best way possible and now people want to change it because they don't know any better.

Anyways, back to the original topic, I am proud of Belinda for dropping out of the election and if she does want to spend the money.....I would be happy to accept her contribution and throw my name into the ring for the leader of the Liberal Party. Hell, as the most attractive Member of Parliament since Herb Grey left it is her duty to give me money so I can run for the leadership.

Diet Throne Speech Taste Test

Well, I have been off for about a week mainly due to being extremely lazy in writing in my blog and partly due to working and the fact that I get home so late. So I am going to start off from where I left off. On April 4, 2006 the Cons gave their first throne speech which could pretty well be summed up as "we are the Conservative Party of Canada and we will run this country until someone says otherwise." The throne speech was very little on substance and gave little details on what they were going to do. I guess if you don't tell anyone what you are going to do, you can't be held accountable if you do not fulfill those promises. Well I guess we will see exactly what the Cons are going to do when they introduce it and we will hear how the Liberals are anti-accountability and anti-family when the Liberals vote against their pro-luxury tax cuts and their choppy-at-best accountability act. I will go through it in more detail in later posts.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I'm Pure Evil!!!

I took this little test as a joke earlier and I am quite ammused about the seems that I am pure evil. Now I can join the Republican Party!!

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Extreme
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test

Friday, March 31, 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pennies are Brownish, not Red

Well, I guess it's about time for me to get yelled at by bloggers about Palestine. I haven't made any comments in the past, not because I don't care, just because I was too busy making fun of The Harp. The Cons today have released a statement regarding Hamas and Palestine, proof read by The Harp, and P-Makkie won the task of dishing it out to the people.

Now, with just about everyone in politics, The Cons have gone too far on this situation. It's not as if they are the only ones to do it, but since they are in power now, I get to comment on them. Now, I do not condone terrorism in any way if it is either a guy strapping a bomb to his chest and blowing up half a city block, or burning crosses in front of a persons house, or bombing the crap out of a city to try to get one person who committed terrorism, but they could have used more tact when they were dealing with this situation. Instead of The Cons just flat out turning their back on Palestine, what they should do is open up the diplomatic channels and find any sort of way to hammer out an agreement. If you just turn your backs on them, they will just become more resentful and steadfast in their opinion. We should be sending our best diplomats on a plane to Palestine to talk to the leaders of Hamas to try to convince them to change their ways through sound open communication rather than sticking their fingers in their ears and screaming LALALALALALALALALA until they are drowned out entirely. We need to step up and help the Middle East by trying to broker a deal with Hamas and I would even volunteer to go down there myself, if I was in the political circle that would be able to get me there.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

UUUGGHH!!! Work Bad!!!!

Started my first day of work at The Sony Store today, and I realized how much I hate working. I miss being on EI, with the nothing to do and all. It was almost first time having sex awkward for the first half of the day. Don't know what to touch, what not to touch, where to put things...just kinda freaky. But me kinda tired now, it's been a while since I have been up for more than 12 hours and I am gonna curl up into bed and sleep.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More of the Greatest Platform Ever

Well, time to add a few more issues for the greatest platform ever. I missed a few of them while I wrote the last bit and now it is time to put those ones back in.

National Unity- This one is such a no-brainer that I am still shocked as to why nobody ever thought of it. I would go to each province and ask them what exactly their problem is. Instead of constantly throwing money at the problem, why don't we just attempt to solve the problem in the first place. I would hold town halls in every province and territory to find out what their major issues were and try to solve them. The only way to solve a problem is to find out what it is and address it and that is what I plan on doing.

Child Care- Bring back the Liberal National Child Care Program. It is the best program out there as it actually provides child care. The Con's policy is just a hand out that can be spent on anything. If you don't need child care, then you just get a free $100 a month. The National Child Care Program that the Liberals put out was designed for the families out there that need child care, and not a simple cash handout that the Cons wanted. Canadians want the Liberal Child Care program and I will make sure that they get it.

Same Sex Marriage- Although it is a protected right I am going to make sure that it stays as a protected right. I don't want anyone to ever remove the rights of people because of religious beliefs and I will make sure it is protected by the constitution and not allow anyone to use the notwithstanding clause or any other means to remove those rights. The anti-gay movement has the right to be against it, but they do not have the right to infringe on the fundamental human rights of others because of their homophobia.

Crime- My stance on crime is a mixture between Liberal and Conservative thinking. I want to put extra money into hiring law enforcement officers across the country so they will be able to help prevent crime. I also want to help try to rehabilitate criminals during their first or second offence. There are people who just make one bad decision and we need to make sure that they are not lumped in with the dangerous offenders who have no chance of being rehabilitated. I will have psychological assessments done for those offenders to find out if they are in deed able to be rehabilitated. For the most dangerous offenders and the one's that cannot be rehabilitated, then tougher sentences need to be in place to make sure that they do not harm any other people.

Marijuana Laws- I would legalize it. Not because I am a pothead, but because of the fiscal benefits that would come from taxing the hell out of it. It would also reduce the workload from police as they would no longer have to spend their time dealing with a couple of harmless pot smoking people and would be able to deal with real crime. As I said earlier, I would tax the hell out of marijuana as well to obtain the large sums of money we need to help run the nation. The more weed we sell, the more social programs we can fund. Can't see anything wrong with that. Now I know some of you are thinking that smoking pot is a gateway drug, but it is not. The only thing it is a gateway to is a gateway to munchies. I know a lot of people who smoke pot and they are doing just fine in society. Yes some of them have experimented with stronger, more dangerous drugs, but it wasn't from smoking pot, it was because of their addictive personalities. If they drank, then they would become alcoholics, if they gambled, they would be penniless. It is not the drug that causes the problems, it is their psyche that creates the problem. The money that we collect would also allow for funding added counseling for gambling and substance abuse to help anyone who truly has a problem.

Now there will still be others and I will most likely expand on each topic in its own post but for now this is it. For any other posts or changes, I will put them in a different colour to differentiate between them.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Platform To End All Platforms

Sorry about the delay in this, I got rather busy over the last couple of days, job interviews out of the blue and the 45 metric tonnes of snow that fell on Saturday made my weekend quite insane. Now, it is time for the post that you are all waiting for, the greatest election platform of all time. None of these are certainties, as I don't have budget tables available to me so I don't know what I can afford but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Health Care- Federalize it. The provinces have done such a piss poor job managing the system that we need to rebuild and restructure the system. With a federalized system, we can stream-line our resources to free up funds to expand the services that we need. Federalizing health care will reduce wait times by allowing patients to go to another province to get their medical work done. Also, we should increase funding to health care to rebuild the closed hospitals and re-staff all our hospitals to cope with our health needs.

Education- Federalize it as well. We need to make sure that every child in Canada has the same level of education. We also need to allow our children the same opportunities that we had in school by allowing them to participate in extra-curricular activities and have teachers available for the students if they need them. I also want to subsidize post-secondary education to allow everyone the chance to get a better education.

Accountability- Change the Ethics Commission so it holds 1 member of each party. This will bring balance to the system and allow for fairer scrutiny to our political system. I would also expand the Auditor General's role in Parliament and have them make sure the money that we spend, will be going where it needs. We don't need to have our departments blowing their money just so they use up the money in their budget. Budgets will be flexible to allow for extra funds if needed in certain areas and to save money if we don't.

Foreign Affairs- This one is a long one, but I believe that Canada should play a larger role in foreign affairs. First off, we should look into debt forgiveness for third world nations to allow them to start getting a level footing in global affairs. They are burdened with too much debt and as one of the richest nations on the earth, we need to help make sure that they have a chance to make something of themselves. We should also send extra aid to those third world nations to stabilize their resources. We need to send engineering teams to their countries to help irrigate their land so they can produce their own food and become self-sufficient. Food is their biggest priority and will allow prosperity in the region if we help them feed all of their people. If this issue is solved for the people of third world nations, then they can focus their efforts, with our help, in more advanced areas of life like technology and business. Canada is also a nation of peace and we should help bring that to the world’s stage. Canada should play a leading role in creating a lasting peace between many nations which have a long history of hatred between them. A stabilized world will allow for greater prosperity and if it is done peacefully, it will be a longer lasting stability and will not have as much of a detrimental effect on the people of those nations.

Social Security- We have been able to obtain large surpluses over the last several years and my theory on how to fix social security is to invest our surpluses to allow a larger winfall. This, I know, is a radical idea but I believe this may be the best chance to obtain the funds that we need to help make sure that there are funds available for social security in the future. Feasibility options would have to be done to make sure that this is possible and we would have to make the investments secret so we don't disrupt the natural flow of the stock markets but it may just be the best bet to save social security before it's too late.

Native Affairs- We have done a lot of damage to the native communities over the last 500 years and we need to start making amends to them. Land claims are just one example of how we can help them as this will give them the land that was taken from them so many years ago. I want to increase the land that the native groups have so they can live their lives as they see fit. I would also allow self-government for the native peoples in a broader role and look into the feasibility of giving them the same rights as a territory of Canada and have an elected group of representatives to address the needs of their peoples. We would also re-draw the electoral districts so there is more representation of the native people in federal politics.

Amateur Sports- I want to increase federal funding to amateur sports athletes and training. Canada should play a lead role in the Olympics as well and our athletes need to be able to train for their events without taking a second or third job just to pay the bills. Canada will help pay for the training facilities and pay the athletes to be able to live while they train. If the athletes want luxuries, then they will have to take a part time job, but we will pay for all their essentials so they will have a lot less to worry about.

Gun Control- The Liberal plan during the last election was good but needs to be increased. There should be a ban on all handguns for everyone except law enforcement and professional shooters. Professional shooters will have to have their guns locked in a safe at the shooting range and will have to be escorted to and from events by police officers to ensure nothing happens to them. There will be no option to use the notwithstanding clause for this as this will be a national law and there will be no exceptions. Handguns are used for only 2 things, competitive shooting and killing other people. We have to find a way to make sure that we keep handguns out of the hands of criminals and this is one major step to do so. We will also increase border security to make sure guns do not come into Canada from the US and also invest in better detection methods to stop guns and dangerous goods from entering the country.

Taxes- Increase the minimum amount that people have to earn before they are taxed. The poorer people of Canada need to be able to pay for their food and their essentials and we need to be able to help them. We will also increase taxes on the richest bracket of people as well to be able to compensate for the lost income and gain additional funds. They are rich people and can afford the extra income that the government will take to help the less fortunate. We will also increase taxes on large businesses to help pay for our initiatives. I also plan to make churches pay taxes as well. This one is controversial but there is no reason why they do not have to pay taxes. They collect large sums of money and that money should be given to the greater good rather than a select few.

Electoral Processes- Keep them as they were last year. They have done a good job for the last 139 years and we should keep them as they are. No fixed terms, no elected senate, no elected judges, no proportional representation. Our country works just fine as it is, and we don't need to change it.

Military- Increase funding so we can equip our troops with the most up to date equipment. We also need to help pay for extra soldiers to help increase our role as peacekeepers in the world. These funds will be used only for peace and not for war with other nations. We are a nation of peace and we need to maintain that role. I would also reduce our role in Afghanistan after our term is up. We will still be there, but only in a supplementary role and we will also help train the Afghani military and police so they can become more self-sufficient.

I will add more as the topics come up but this is a very good start. These are all preliminary ideas and some may be scratched due to economic feasibility. My main goal is to do all this while still being under budget and things will be adjusted to be able to keep that going. Also, these points are just a rough draft and if they were to become an official policy, would be cleaned up to make it a lot more professional and would be re-written to make sure that nobody would be able to find a loophole and exploit it.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Let the Games Begin!!!

It's been a slow news day and I have been quite busy today so sorry for my late post. I am also quite tired now so I am going to keep this brief.

Well, it's official, Paul Martin will be stepping down as leader of the Liberal Party this weekend when he meets with the Liberal execs and the official terms of the leadership race will be discussed. Now I have never been a huge fan of Paul being Prime Minister but I do wish him all the best in his future endeavors. Over the course of the next week, we will most likely see several Liberal MP's throwing in their names as candidates and it will be interesting to see who decides to run the gambit. I would be one of them, however I do not have the money to do so. This still will not stop me from listing my vision of how I think Canada should be governed and tomorrow I will be posting my vision on my blog for all to see. I hope that my postings will get me some backing and I hope it is in the form of monetary payments but I will settle for candidates using my platform as theirs, as long as I get the kudos for it.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my platform as I am very tired now and I don't want to do it tonight.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Z Big 5-0

This is my 50th post on my blog and I decided to mark this occasion by explaining all the little extra's that are on my little ole site.

The first one is my biggest feature which is the CBC Headline roll. This roll gives my readers the current news events as posted by the CBC on their site. I love this thing. This headline roll is worth all the money we spend on the CBC, and we should put more money into keeping Peter Mansbridge looking so damn good.

The next one is right above it. The AltaVista Babel Fish. This little gem allows anyone to change the language of my site to suit their needs. The only thing you have to do is click on the flag and the page will be automatically translated to the requested language.

Now, below the Headline roll is the FeedBlitz e-mail subscriber. This link allows you to subscribe to my site and receive daily e-mails showing my posts. It really helps the lazy people who don't want to actually click on my site, but still want the articles. It also lets you know if there is a new post so you can visit my site and read my posts and respond.

Below the FeedBlitz is ApolloFind Search Bar. He lets you search out any words you want on my blog and view all relevant data about it. So, if you want to see how much profanity I use, then just type in your favorite swear word and presto, you can see all my vulgarity.

Of course below that is the great, all powerful Liblogs. This is a site that shows lots of Liberal bloggers and their posts. It usually refreshes every 2 hours, and might happen faster when it becomes a non-profit corporation.

At the very bottom of my page is my counter. This is very self explanatory so I am not even going to bother aside from the previous statement.

Below that is my Site Meter. He shows the location of who visits my site. It's great to see how many people from the Government of Canada visit your site so you can be prepared for the worst.

Back to the top, you will see my Google AdSense advertiser. This thing attempts to generate money for me so I like it. I also ask that whenever you come to my site, to click on those links to give me that fraction of a penny that I so desperately need. All the money from AdSense will be going to my electoral campaign so every click counts.

Now the right side of my blog is pretty standard. My profile is at the top, followed by my selection of links and a listing of my previous posts. There are a couple of links I would like to talk about. The first one is my Search By Name link. This link allows you to search my blog for any post that I have done by its title. This took a lot of time and I hope you all appreciate it. Below it is my anime website. It is my personal drawings that I have done. I haven't updated it for a while but if you haven't been there, it will be new to you. Northern Vidiots is mine and Dave's review site. We mainly focus on games but we throw in the occasional movie/music album in there. If you are from the Knife, and you want to help out, let one of us know and we will add you to the list. Dave's blog is next. He is a very good friend of mine who I've known and trusted for years. He will be my first appointed senator when I become Prime Minister. His blog kicks ass and I urge everyone to visit his site. My mp3 review that I gave a while ago is on the bottom. This is my review on the various mp3 players on the market as I have played with them all and I have a very good knowledge of them. If you are considering buying an mp3 player, read this first as it will give you some insight in the mp3 world.

Directly below the previous posts section is Blogshares. Blogshares is a site that puts your blog on a fictitious stock market and you can buy and sell shares. It is rather cool and I ask everyone to vote for my blog so I can get it traded on the exchange.

Below that is my Google Search Bar. This is pretty self explanatory as it is a Google search engine. Below that is more advertising. What can I say, I am a greedy sell-out.

The final thing is the Progressive Bloggers Blog Roll. I am mentioning this last as they still haven't approved me for the site which makes me sad. I hope they will approve me soon so I can get more traffic and hopefully more money.

Pushing That Envelope

Sorry about no post yesterday, I was very busy and I didn't have time to get to my compy. Anyways, I am back and with something that will shock all the Cons that read my blog. I am going to criticize the Liberals. Now I know you are asking yourself, but Milan, you're a Liberal, how can you go against your party? Simple, I have free will and we live in a democratic nation.

Now, I know I am beating this thing like a dead horse but I am still discussing Canada's role in Afghanistan. I got a lot of heat regarding my comments a couple of days ago about my views on the increased role in Afghanistan. I am still in firm belief that we should not be in an offensive military role there. My little rant today is targeted at Bill Graham. Now, I do not have 100% definitive proof that Mr. Graham did give the order to make our troops go on the offensive as it was announced by General Hillier on November 25, 2005, which was 2 days after Parliament was dissolved by the Cons, NDP, and the Bloc, but he was in charge of the department before then and it is quite possible that he did let General Hillier go on the offensive. This is quite retarded and I think Mr. Graham is a giant douche if he did allow this. Canada is a nation of peace and we have no right to take lives, no matter who they are. The sanctity of human life is paramount in Canada and now we are exporting the opposite to fledgling democracies. I know you are thinking that the Taliban is evil and must be destroyed, but running around Afghanistan arbitrarily shooting Afghani's as they might be part of the Taliban is still wrong and will only lead to more attacks but this time it will be inside Canada. For every Afghani Canadian soldiers kill, there will be several more that will be outraged by the attack and join the Taliban. Now, do I have a solution to this, I do not. I do not have a solution, because I don't think there is one. If we turn the other cheek, they will just slap us again, however if we hit back, then they will just kick us in the junk. The only thing that I can think of is to only attack as a retaliatory measure. Do not hunt them down, just wait for them to come after us. It is very dangerous, but if you place buffer zones between the rebuilding crew and possible terrorists, you can keep casualties to a minimum. This way, we don't kill any innocent Afghani's and we are not seen as an aggressor by the Arab community. By constantly shoving peace in their face, the Afghani people will eventually turn and leave the hatred behind them. For hundreds of years the white man has treated blacks and women as second class citizens, but we have managed to eliminate that for the most part. There are still a few dissenters but they are few and far between. We have to give the Afghani people the same chance to turn their hatred around in a peaceful manner that will keep everyone alive and allow us to live as one race on this planet....Human.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Hey Look, it's Day 1 When Harper Didn't Fuck Anything Up...Nevermind

He came so close to doing it too. I was pulling for him like I was pulling for Dubya to handle a disaster correctly and in a timely manner. Unfortunately, The Harp didn't quite make it through the entire day without fucking it up in some manner. Last night, The Harp made a "surprise" visit to Afghanistan to inspect the troops and re-confirm the support for the troops. Now, where The Harp made his mistake is making his "Dubya style" speech when he addressed the troops.

The Harp's speech was designed to stick it to the opposition that we aren't a nation that cuts and runs at the first sign of trouble, and that we are taking a lead on the world stage. Now, I am all for taking the lead on the world stage, but not by being the lead on terrorist hit lists. There are several ways for Canada to be a leader on the world stage, but doing it by being an aggressive nation is not one of them that Canadians truly want. If The Harp wants to be a world leader, then how about doing some humanitarian relief missions with Canada taking the lead. It would be a lot safer, and we won't have extremists plotting to bomb the fuck out of our country. As I stated in previous posts, I am in strong support of our troops overseas but only in a supplementary role. What I want to know is who gave the order for Canada to take the lead in Afghanistan. There is very little info out there on who specifically gave the command to take over the lead in Afghanistan from the US. If anyone knows who was did that, please post in the comments along with a link showing proof. I do want this to be accurate to help inform the people who actually gave the command.

Now, I stated that we should take a commanding role in the world in a more peaceful manner and now here is my plan. Africa has millions of starving people and thousands of them die every year. What Canada needs to do is give debt relief to African nations and send engineers to Africa to irrigate the lands to make sure African families can feed themselves. If Canada took the lead in helping Africa in this matter, then other nations that want to help out will have a peaceful outlet to make a difference. I would prefer The Harp to be going to Somalia to help feed the children over going to Afghanistan to help bomb the crap out of them. Even if The Harp wants to stay in Afghanistan, then at least be there to help rebuild the nation, not tear it down some more. Canada is a nation of peace and we should make sure we keep that status around the world.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hey Look at Us, We're Important Too!!!

Well, we all knew it was coming as it always does. The NDP decided to jump up and remind everyone that they do exist, and how did they do that, by jumping on the bandwagon. Unfortunately, it was the bandwagon that came and left 10 months ago.

Pat Martin, the NDP MP from Winnipeg Centre, decided to speak up like the drunk friend at a party and give his opinion on something that he knows nothing about. The wrong PM is asking for Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro to investigate Belinda Stronach's move from the Cons to the Liberals 10 months ago. I guess they were asleep at the switch when this story came down 10 months ago. Calling for the investigation 10 months ago would have been fine, but it is 10 months, and a new government later and they are asking for the investigation. The only thing I have to say about this is SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! This is the reason I agreed with Jason Cherniak about his views on the NDP, they are a bunch of useless pricks who think they are better than everyone else but have no knowledge about anything. The wrong PM stated the reason he is asking for this is that he has gotten several e-mails about how the NDP have attacked the Cons about Emerson and left the Liberal get off unscathed. I just think he wasn't able to check his e-mails for 10 months until he accidentally hit the caps lock key again and all of a sudden, his password worked again. There is a time and a place to address a concern and that is at the time it happens. If this is the NDP's thinking, then I just can't wait for them to ask Shapiro to investigate Richard John Cartwright for his defection. Now I would have been for an investigation 10 months ago when Stronach crossed the floor, but since that time, there had been an election, and it wasn't even officially considered unethical by the Ethics Commission until months after the crossing.