Saturday, May 27, 2006

Blogger Conference Call

Ok, here is an update. The conference call with the Hon. Stephane Dion will be on May 30, 2006. Exact time has not been sent but that is not a big deal for my fellow reader.....s?. Once we have finished the call, I will transcribe the call and post it on ye ole blog. Last chance for questions for Mr. Dion. If you got any for him, post them in my comments and if I have a chance, I will ask him the questions. Please post your name as well just so you get the credit for the question.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Very Interesting

I got an e-mail today from Rob Edger. He asked me if I wanted to have an interview with the Hon. Stephane Dion for the Liberal Leadership campaign. Now, I know Rob has been a blogger for quite some time and he is a Liberal....but I am unsure if he is actually Mr. Dion's e-communications co-chair. If he is, I will be conducting an interview with Mr Dion where I will be asking him the tough questions that should be asked to politicians. If you guys have some questions you want me to ask Mr. Dion, post it in my comments and if it is a real question, I will try to ask him about it during the interview. Anyways, I have to work in the morning and I have to go to bed now.

P.S. I haven't forgot about the budget post from two weeks ago...I am just extremely lazy and I promise I will have it done in a couple of days once I have the time to finish the post. The numbers are done with research and since I am not a tax major, I have to use my limited knowledge of taxation laws to make sure it is correct.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Budget 2006: A Tale of Stupidity

A long while ago, the Cons had released their budget. Now they say that this budget will help lower income families and would be the greatest thing since sliced bread. Well, I decided to put the numbers to the test by placing a hypothetical single parent, single child family through the paces of both the Liberals and the Cons budgets.

Liberals......... Reason ................................Cons
33,000 ..........Salary ...............................33,000
.-3,600 ..........Income Tax .......................-3,565
.-7,200 ..........Food..................................-7,200
.-1,200 ..........Power ...............................-1,200
.-7,200 ..........Rent ..................................-7,200
....-480 ..........Telephone.............................-480
.-2,568 ..........Clothes .............................-2,544
....-708 ..........Transit Pass .........................-708
..........0 .........Transit Credit ......................+108
..........0 .........Child Care Credit .............+1,200
..........0 .........Child Care Credit Tax ..........-108
..........0 .........Child Care Cost ................-2,400
.+2,124.........Child Benefits.....................+1,956
....+574..........GST Credit..........................+574
.....-480 .........Alberta Health Care .............-480


You see, this is the real difference between the Liberals budget and the Cons. Now, since the non-taxable income is the same, I left those at the planned tax exemption level of $10,000 which will be the amount in 2009 and added in the Con's employee rebate crap thing. Food on average is placed at $600 and since it is food, it is GST exempt. Power is averaged at $100 per month, Rent is $600 per month, Phone is $40 per month, clothes are at $200 per month, transit is at $59 per month, Daycare is at $800 per month (which is the cheapest I have seen) which I worked in the child care packages and subsidies and of course Alberta Health Care is at $34 per month (I can't remember what it is but I believe it is still $34 per month). Now, there are a boat load of extra expenses that I forgot about and just didn't know about but there still is a $1500 difference in the savings. These are the facts people...The Con's budget was supposed to help people like this one, but there is no way that paying $1500 more is considered help when the rich are getting massive discounts and saving boat loads more money. I am not even mentioning how all the retarded spending that they are doing could essentially put the country into debt...I will get to that tomorrow or Tuesday. I just thought I would give you guys something to chew on.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Insert Token Here

So, today The Harp announced that Quebec will hold a seat at the Canadian UNESCO office in Paris. Now, I know that this is just a token gesture used purely as a prop to make it look like the Cons are concerned about national unity but this is absolutely ridiculous. Quebec is a distinct part of Canada but everyone keeps on focusing on the word distinct and not the rest of it. Yes Quebec is distinct in it's culture and it's language, but have you ever heard a Newfie talk, or a person from BC....personally I still can't understand freaker...but the point is, that everyone is distinct from each other, and why in the blue hell are we trying to focus on our differences and not on what truly matters, our similarities.

This really pisses me off when politicians use token gestures to make themselves look like they care. The Liberals have used it from time to time, but that is all the Cons have done since they got into power. At least the Liberals did do things that benefit the nation and things that really meant something.